At some time in your life you must have encountered it. There you are, walking down the street at dusk; hoofing it along some echoing tunnel on the London Underground (other subways are available); or climbing your stairs at home. And suddenly you get the sensation that you are being followed. Now, this could mean one of three things; (i) you're suffering a paranoid episode and there's no-one there; (ii) there's someone who just happens to be going in the same general direction as your good self and there's nothing to worry about; or (iii) you're being followed.
In meatspace (as some folk have taken to calling the real world) option (iii) is not to be recommended. The follower could be a psychopath, hell-bent on slaughtering you in a revolting, but interesting, fashion, a private detective, who for some reason unknown to you is logging your every move and reporting back to your partner via a short-wave radio (if such things still exist), or (worst of all) a Chugger, who will greet you like a long-lost brother/sister and attempt to get you to sign up to regular charitable donations. I think you're probably safer with the psychopath. At least you can reason with them on some level or other.
Victoria households advertising for maids-of-all-work or other servants would often specify 'no followers' upon the handbill. The last thing they wanted was for hordes of disreputable working class men hanging around outside their villas, waiting for young Ruby to knock off so that they could whilsk her off to the music hall. It lowered the tone of the street, and it reduced Ruby's ability to concentrate on her work. Now, of course, it wouldn't be a problem. Ruby would switch on her laptop, log in to Blogger, Twitter, or some such, and have any number of 'followers' at the tips of her poor chapped fingers. Seedy young gentlemen in houndstooth jackets with pomaded hair and waxed moustaches could make mildly indecent suggestion to Ruby all night long without the mistress being any the wiser.
I have thirty four followers on Blogger; quality followers, all of you, to a man (or woman, of course). On Twitter, I currently rejoice in the friendship of ninety five fellow humans. One thing I've noticed on the latter application (albeit not amongst those with whom I currently correspond) that there seems to be, for want of a better word, a 'competition' to see who can acquire the most 'followers'. Personally, I prefer quality rather than quantity, so I hesitate to have as my 'follower' an American gentleman who does nothing other than witter on about James Dean and Marilyn Monroe (whoever they are), a chap of indeterminate provenance who claims I can make millions just by using Twitter, and a lady of dubious moral character who already seems to have far more gentleman callers than is good for her. But why do we feel able to sidle up to people electronically and ask them if they will be our friend? Would we do this in meatspace? What reaction would we get if we did? Tomorrow, try walking up to a total stranger, tug the sleeve of his/her coat, and enquire, 'Will you be my friend?' And then post a comment on this blog to let me know how you got on. If they let you keep your laptop in the cell, that is. So I shall stick to the company of those who intrigue, fascinate, engage or amuse me, and leave the virtual sleeve-tugging to others.
But I can't help worrying. I've been stuck on thirty four Blogger followers for an awfully long time. Is there something wrong with me? Oh. I now seem to have thirty five...
72 Micro Seasons of Japan
13 hours ago
Another blog post, another triumph!
Punky - Aw, thank you!
I was explaining to an elderly family member on my recent travels about my blog and "followers". I apparently gave them a good laugh, since they compared it to Christ and the apostles! ;^)
Something wrong with you?
I doubt it. Unless you're constantly under the sensation that you are being followed...
Actually, I always get that sensation. I think it might be my mind just lagging behind a few steps.
I would just love to be able to go up to someone and ask them if they'd be my friend. Wouldn't that be a nice change? I really enjoy your posts!
Liked this post a lot. I suspect that many of the people whom I follow would be interesting in real life, especially if we exchange many comments over time and I get a sense of their character. However, if I ever met them, I'd be all shy and bashful. Honest.
This was a wonderfully well written post. I am still chuckling ...
Willow - I had a boss once. The only reason people followed him was out of idle curiosity!
Mo - I'm not paranoid! It's not paranoia when you know they really are out to get you!
Dedene - It depends where you are. In London they'd think you were mad or wanted money!
MDF - I have correspeonded by email with a few bloggy friends and that gives a different perspective again. But shy? You? Nah!
Karen - Thanks! Have you seen my haunted hat yet?
Hi Chris,
Be happy with the 35(still there, I checked). I'm sure I would be paranoid if I was anywhere near Willow's 895??!!
BTW, how are Ruby's poor chapped fingers?
Thank you! Six months ago I had no idea how relavant this concept would be. I feel so shallow sometimes.
Derrick - Oh, I'm very happy with 35! As I said, quality, not quantity! And Ruby? She's been soaking her hands in carbolic all days and feels much better.
CG - Don't feel shallow! A couple of months back I had no idea what Twitter was. I wonder what the Next Big Thing will be?
'meatspace' - ugh! dont think i want to use that one..but i think i am following you anyhow; no sleeve tugging tho ...promise :-)
Val - sounds pretty revolting, doesn't it?
Keep never know where I might end up!
Got yourself another blog follower.
Yay! Thanks Angie! I'll pour the tea...
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